Are wedding planners necessary? Should you be spending a large portion of your budget on hiring someone to help you? What do wedding planners even do?
These question and many more questions like these are often what people say when the phrase “wedding planner” comes up in conversation. It isn’t unusual for people to wonder what value having a wedding planner is.
Let’s be honest for a moment, planning a wedding is stressful. There is so much that goes into a wedding and most Brides do not realize this until they are knee deep into it. In fact studies have shown women who are engaged and planning a wedding are far more stressed than those who are in a long term committed relationship.
In today’s post I am going to give you 10 valid and useful reasons you should hire a wedding planner to help you with your vision and reduce your stress!
#One – Wedding Planners Know
Wedding planners know a lot about weddings. They spend their whole careers studying, planning and coordinating weddings There is going to be a whole wealth of information you can get from them and it won’t take you hours to find the answer you are looking for. They know how to get lipstick out of your beautiful white wedding dress. They know what the right shade of blue is to make your wedding pop! They know how to deal with vendors who are difficult and they know how to fix a cake that collapsed when your uncle Marvin was driving it to the reception.
There is so much value that a wedding planner will give you while you work with them and it won’t cost extra because they love this job and they want your wedding to be prefect just as much as you do, maybe even more.
#Two – Preferred Vendors
Wedding planners build up their client list as well as their vendor list over the course of being in the industry. They know the good vendors from the bad and they can usually tell you who is worth the money and who isn’t. Having this list can literally save you thousands of dollars and a lot of tears. Wedding planners have what we call a preferred vendor list, which contains all of the vendors they like to work with. Using their list can get you discounts and prevent the disaster of finding out the DJ you hired has only one speaker and doesn’t know how to fade the music, because he only started a few weeks ago. No one wants to have such a thing happen, specially on such an important day.
#Three- Design
A huge part of a wedding planner’s job is to design beautiful weddings. Which can help those who are less artistically inclined create a stunning wedding. They are great at giving colour advice, making sure pieces go together, and creating the right mood for you big day. They are the ones who tell you when something doesn’t look good, and down the road you’ll thank them for not letting you put a giant flamingo in the middle of your reception room.
#Four- Organized
Wedding planners more than anyone else have to be incredibly organized. You thought keeping track of your wedding appointments was hard, try three. In order to be good at their job wedding planners have to be excruciatingly organized which means deadlines won’t get missed and things will get finished on time. Like trying to
#Five- Experience
This isn’t their first rodeo, wedding planners have done so many weddings they could plan yours in their sleep. This saves you from doing a lot of research into what goes into a wedding. Simply ask your wedding planner what you don’t know and they can give you the answers, advice and opinions.
#Six- Budgeting
Everyone has an amount they are willing to spend on their wedding. Some have large limits and others have small, no matter which one you are going with a wedding planner can help you achieve your budget even when you feel it is impossible.
#Seven- Timelines
With so many things to decide and do things can easily be forgotten, like remembering to pay the next deposit o the venue. With so many important things to keep track of it’s nice to have someone else to help you rememeber and stay on track.
#Eight- Ideas
Wedding planners have done so many different variesties of weddings they can help you come up with something perfect for your wedding you never would’ve though of yourself. They are also great at finding solutions to problems which seem difficult to solve.
#Nine – ‘Day Of’
Not only do wedding planners help you along the way to your wedding, they will also be there to handle all of the things you can’t and shouldn’t have to deal with on your big day. From changing your venue from a ceremony to a reception, to dealing with vendors and unruly guests, there is no limit to what great help it is to have someone coordinate your day.
#Ten – Reduce Stress
Let’s all be honest, planning a wedding is stressful stuff! From the hunderds of decisions, to budgets and stayin on track. So much goes into planning a wedding and it can be hard to stay on top of things. Having a wedding planner and help minimize that stress by handling things for you or simply giving you advice on what to do. Either way they will save from headaches and heartaches.
If you are currently in the midst of planning a wedding I would highly recommend getting some help, preferably from a professional who knows what they are talking about. It isn’t worth planning a wedding if by the end of it your so exhausted and decision fatigued you can’t enjoy it! Getting help will help this period in time we more enjoyable and will give you the freedom to walk into your marriage at least a little less stressed!
If you live in or around Calgary, Ab, why not check out our services? You never know, you might find we are the prefect fit for you!
With Love
Jazmine Orme